Saturday, September 4, 2010

baby rompers Two kinds blow the froth toy to be most dangerous to the baby

Many babies very much like blowing the froth, but near section has the media to report unceasingly the child when blows the froth,baby rompers, will blow in the froth toy's small whistle to draw the news which the lungs have a surgery.

The report causes a guardians' panic: Why this small whistle will draw in the belly? Which things also has to be quite dangerous to the child?


The baby blows the froth sentry post core to draw the lung frequently

In March, saved the Chest Hospital hospital to accept a Jiyuan 9 year-old boy, when his 6 years old blew the froth to draw the small sentry post in the lung. Because the sentry post core is the plastic, lightproof, no matter is CT or X inspection is unable to find out,Kids Shoes, therefore in three years the lungs infect unceasingly have been treated actually as pneumonia to treat.

Took out the small whistle difficultly finally through 4 surgeries,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes Can let the baby healthy cold), doctor said: If does not take out again, the right lung possibly must excise.

On April 13, because of blows the froth, but draws a small sentry post core the trachea, 4 year-old boy reed undergoes the general anesthesia surgery abundantly in the Zhengzhou third People's Hospital. Doctor a length 1.5 centimeter, the diameter 0.8 centimeter pink plastic tubular sentry post core takes out, hence the reed says goodbye to each inspiration throat to abundantly send the scat singing the funny scene.

Doctor said that whistles the core is luckily hollow, if the solid, will possibly cause the child to suffocate.

On April 28,modern baby boy clothes, 23 year-old Shanxi male youth Wang Bo undergoes the surgery in the Zhengzhou third People's Hospital, doctor from his/her the right under lung deep place small endobronchial takes out a length 1.5 centimeter, the diameter 0.8 centimeter black plastic sentry post core. This sentry post core is when his 7 years old blows the small sentry post to inhale the throat carelessly, continuously in his/her the body Inner Tibet 16 years.

Yesterday, reporter also saw in the province Chest Hospital hospital Shennqiu County's young patient match flies, two years ago, he toy loudspeaker's in diaphragm inspiration lungs, has not taken out until now carelessly.

Doctor said that has delayed the too long time, now, the foreign matter is wrapped by the bronchial tube mucous membrane proliferation, the worst plan is, slices his partial lobes of the lung, otherwise, infects repeatedly, will spoil the entire lungs.


Two kinds blow the froth toy to be most dangerous

Yesterday in the morning, reporter visited Zhengzhou's east three street Yellow River small commodity city, the latitude four group clothing market 2 building child thing sells the field, discovered that blew the froth in the toy, had two kinds to be very dangerous:

1. the price 2 Yuan ~3 Yuan, the liquor folliculi bottle and the plastic blowpipe and equip in a plastic bag, the blowpipe peak is inlaying a sentry post core, whistles the core (also calls sentry post piece) by section of plastic tubes and a laminated sentry post core to be composed, the plastic tube compared to fragrant cigarette holder small one, when blows the froth, after whistling the piece vibration, pronounces.

2. the price 8 Yuan ~10 Yuan, the blowpipe volume is big, the shape varies, many for trumpet shape and hand lanciform, this kind of toy some, in the blowpipe contacts in lip's reason the establishment sentry post core, the sentry post in sentry post core, some are the laminated plastics, some are the plastic solid pellets. When air flush, whistles the piece or the pellet can vibrate the pronunciation.

Reporter discovered that these two kind of toys must contact the lip, but it touches the end to have the built-in sentry post core, child when moving, very easy to cause the sentry post core to fall off is drawn in the lung.

Besides the sentry post core, the sentry post in sentry post core (sentry post piece or medicine ball) easily are also swallowed into by the child the oral cavity. These sentry post core generally made, the time which by the plastic tab or the plastic ball blew steadily, also easy to fall.

East Zhengzhou three street Yellow River small commodity city toy wholesaler Cai said in pairs that the mouth moves in the toy, the whistle is quite dangerous, because includes the components which can become less crowded, is swallowed easily by the baby, therefore the risk is biggest.

Cai reminded in pairs, when bought the plastic toy to the child, must pay attention to the toy which the choice thick plastic material quality made, after against toy depreciation produced the small fragment to swallow by the child; But in the plush toy, some toy's eye and the nose are glue on with the glue water, a effort may tear off slightly, the toy down also easy to fall off, is swallowed extremely easily by the child or the inspiration.

discount designer children's clothes Do not raise child's special skill blindly

The modern society, the competition is day by day intense, some parents to cause their child not to lose on the starting line, in the future can Cheng Long become the phoenix, when arranges child's study content is blind frequently with the wind. Dance, piano, drawing, foreign language, calligraphy ......Put in the massive energy and the financial resource, actually does not have to consider child's actual interest and the hobby truly. Even some parents in the child interest, in the hobby choice have the strong merit thoughts of gain, takes a test to some with the child, enters a higher school related, perhaps in feeling lofty, blindly the positive support,discount designer children's clothes, encourages, even is forces the child to study. But likes regarding some children actually not conforming to the parents standard truly, blindly stops, denial.

As the saying goes: The interest is best teacher. The interest may enable child's intelligence to obtain maximum limit, the most lasting display. When the child does oneself are interested the matter, he often can whole-heartedly; On the contrary, if the parents request the child to give up him being interested extremely the matter, handles the matter which some he does not like doing, the child inevitably and the parents have the conflict, has an achievement with difficulty. However, in the life always many parents disregard child's interest and the hobby, eliminates child's interest forcefully, its result definitely will fetter child's development. Perhaps the following this case happen to showed this point.

Young Hua likes the micro-organism since childhood, moreover craves in the research micro-organism's life habit. When junior middle school because of the observation micro-organism made frequently the whole body is the putty. The parents are angry regarding this, think him to ignore a proper occupation, therefore outside does everything possible to prevent him to go to play. The parents hoped that he learns to play the piano, so that in the future will be able to test time will award marks.

The start, he was always taking advantage the parents do not pay attention run up to the matter which secretly in the nearby park makes itself to like. Once, after he brings back to a black's spider the family, the parents fly into a rage, reprove he not should the such dirty thing to bring back the family. A daddy also foot stepped on dies the spider, mother has fallen rotten him to accumulate several years unexpectedly to install each kind of specimen treasure chest. That moment, young Hua has been shocked, returned to own room to sit silently silently for one afternoon.

From then on, his academic record suffers a disastrous decline, becomes uncommunicative, the parents worry for this reason, even suspected that he is the intelligence has the question.

But young Mr./Mrs. Hua biological said: Young Hua this child is specially intelligent, if raises well, can in the future certainly be a very splendid biologist.

Young Mr./Mrs. Hua the biological words should cause parents' thinking deeply.

However, in the real life, has many parents to be able to make likely young Hua parents such mistake. The young Hua parents interfere child's interest like this likely, will bring certain harm to the child.

First, the parents can cause the child to the child interest's excessive interference to have the one-sided understanding to their hobby, thought that oneself does not have the judgment, does not have the original story, thus denies itself to the thing judgment ability, becomes not self-confident.

Second, the parents neglect child's interest hobby, does not listen to child's explanation, does not embark from the child hobby understood that the child likes and is interested truly, does this already cannot meet child's needs, will also cause the child to think that the parents cannot understand,Baby Boy Clothes, will respect him, but will have the rebellious attitude. This to child's growth is very disadvantageous.

We said: The interest is best teacher, will have the interest child to study,(Related Articles(appointment spring) 20 years gathers in Mt. Emei), is with ease more joyful. They are also willing to go to the matter which makes itself to like, moreover is not aware of fatigue. If does not consider child's hobby interest, but imposes for the child the parents thought should study the thing, will cause the child will lose displays himself to be able the opportunity, easy to cause the child to produce is sick of the psychology.

Third, if the parents neglect child's interest, imposes for them some study duty, will cause them to have the resistance psychology. Some children are not interested originally to music, is forced by the guardian to practice the qin every day, finally the qin technique has not always enhanced, therefore expects too much the guardian starts to reprimand even beats and scolds the child, is how such stupid with you and so on words and expressions to scold the stimulation child, gradually, the child starts to have the rebellious attitude, some become feels inferior and has the self-closing tendency.

The parents want to know regarding this point are clear. It is a pity, some parents still could not realize this point. They many are not willing to acknowledge that child their child have the unique interest and the hobby particularly. Had had such a matter: Has the child who parents force not to be able to sit still to play a stringed musical instrument, so that the child have to breaks by smashing with stone own finger to show to revolt. Does not give a thought to child's protest like this, the parents urgently presses likely was urging equally the child studies the thing which do not like studying, is the parents does not respect the child the interest and the hobby performance, its consequence it can be imagined.

Actually, some parents also want to respect the child the interest and the hobby, actually often did not know how should do, that takes the parents, may refer to the following several kinds to make the law:

Is good at discovering that creates the condition for the child

The parents want to be good at discovering that child's interest hobby, and tries to guide the child to work hard much in the interest aspect, creates the opportunity as far as possible for the child, creates the condition, lets the child freely have a good swim in own affection world. This will stimulate child's biggest potential, will thus achieve the prominent achievement in some domain.

Then, how do the parents discover child's interest? This first needs the parents to foster carefully observes child's custom,sweet beginnings flower girl dresses, the matter which the child does repeatedly often is they are interested; Next, the parents should stand in an equal standpoint communicate with the child, listens to child's idea, asks that the child likes making anything, perhaps the parents from the child naive reply may discover that child's interest is.

Actually, the parents should discover since childhood that encourages and trains the child to have one kind or several kind of hobbies. This will cause child's life will become richly colorful, the feature fun and the anticipation, have the positive role to person's life. When the child chooses the interest hobby, no doubt needs parents' guidance, but may not replace the child.

Respects the child the affection and the interest

In the today multicolored life, human's individuality and the interest obtain the full development. Therefore the parents want to respect the child the hobby interest. Even if child's this kind of interest hobby is possible and parents' expectation has the disparity, so long as but is the right hobby, should respect the child. Because child, in handles the matter which one like, his creativity and the potential only then have the possibility to obtain the full display, his dedicated, earnest, perseveres the custom and the will quality may also obtain the exercise, is advantageous in child's growth.

Raises the child interest, is sure to remember may not blindly with the wind

The modern parents hoped that their child can master many kinds of skills, can have a happy future. But time are many parents have not considered child's interest hobby, but arranges for the child all. Sometimes even with the wind, saw the present is popular anything to let the child study anything.

The child like this time and time again passively accepts under parents' arrangement, child's interest hobby cannot obtain satisfies, child's special skill cannot obtain the display, causes the child to tire of study and gives vent this mood other disciplines, this to child's growth is very harmful.

Certainly, the parents cannot let matters drift to child's interest hobby, must render the suitable guidance and the assistance. If child, because immerses in some interest hobby, affected the normal study, the life, the parents should give certain intervention, taught the child to treat between both's relations correctly, possible arrangement time, but must use the child acceptable way, cut cannot stop simply.

The interest is the child knowledge acquisition biggest power, the parents does not respect the child the interest, but chooses blindly for the child the interest class, had the possibility to strangle child's true interest very much. Therefore, is the parents to respect each child individual interest. It is noteworthy that once the parents discovered that the child's seedling of interest emerges as the times require, certainly must protect carefully, do not let its reason weed submergence wither, do not destroy at will.

The modern society is a advocation individuality time, receives in some domain's people with professional skills favors, maximum limit displays child's interest hobby to be advantageous to trains the child well.

Most importantly, child's interest hobby often has the relations with his special capability, he biggest potential often manifests in them compares is interested the aspect. Will guide child's interest hobby to cause the child correctly to study joyfully, also has the possibility to have an achievement in the future in some domain.

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3 years ago start to drink every day, the caffeine becomes addicted to in hospital treatment

Will drink may happy also become addicted? 16 year-old youth Arab League triumphant, for 3 years drink may become addicted happily, every day must drink, most one days need to drink 78 bottles, moreover energetic disorder. The other day Arab League is delivered triumphantly by the parents Guangzhou's hospital treatment, doctor diagnoses to become addicted to may Le Zhonghan the caffeine, at present is treating.

But becomes addicted happily next to have the disorder

Yesterday, reporter became addicted to the treatment center in the armed police hospital heart science subjects young people, saw this year just reached 16 year-old Arab League triumphantly. The Arab League triumphant family lives in Chaozhou, because drinks may become addicted happily, and the energetic disorder is sent by the parents Guangzhou to treat.

Arab League triumphant mother said that the Arab League triumphant childhood studied is very good, is called the young child prodigy .3 years ago by she to discover that the Arab League triumphant comparison affection drank the Coca-Cola, from the very beginning drank 2-3 bottles every day equally, one year later increased to 5 bottles about, were most when one day drank 78 pots. These for three years,kids costumes, Arab League triumphant present the palpitation gradually, the headache, are agitated restlessly, the Chest is uncomfortable, losing sleep, forgetful and so on symptoms, attends class the attention to be unable to concentrate, the academic record drops suddenly, finally can not but give up the studies. One week his behavior unusual disorder,newborn baby boy clothes, said that some people chase down and kill him; Just said the matter, a while forgot; Sometimes in the mouth mutters, sometimes the nonsense rushes to outside the room to make a tearful scene, but also takes off the coat to shout loudly. From the very beginning we hundred think cannot its solution, afterward asked doctor only then knew original all these are may become addicted happily directs! But I unexpectedly also packed in a box packed in a box buy to him drink! Arab League triumphant mother said painfully: We had not thought that drinks may happy also be able to become addicted, moreover may in the happy jar also not have the prompt!

The young people little drink including the caffeine drink

Arab League triumphant physician-in-charge,(Related Articles[bean seedling diary]Hemp hemp's grim good large bowl!!!), the armed police hospital heart science subjects young people become addicted to the treatment center what solar flare director introduced: But happy includes the caffeine, said from the medicine that the caffeine is one energetic active medicine 0.1 pot may the happy 355 milliliters approximately have 35.5 milligrams caffeine, if drinks every day surpasses 5~6 pots, because the young people physique growth has not been mature, in addition the majority affection empty stomach drink, the speed which drinks are also quick, very easy to cause in the blood the caffeine density to be high, will get down possibly to have the side effect for a long time, for instance will become addicted. However, because Arab League triumphant may become addicted to happily has the energetic symptom the situation to be indeed quite rare.

It is known that Arab League is triumphant at present is accepting the mental healing and the pharmacological treatment, the condition is changing for the better gradually. What solar flare indicated: But takes one kind of drink happily, in the ordinary circumstances drinks does not have the question, but the long-term large dose drinks may be happy, also possibly has the dependence,baby boutiques, particularly the young people are easier to become addicted. He reminds the guardian, speaking of the young people, besides may be happy, other include the caffeine drink not to be able long-term to drink massively, for instance red cow, coffee and so on, will otherwise have the influence to young people's growth, serious will also become addicted.

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Spring Festival, grandmother comes and we live together.

Old person always specially loves the child. Every day, she nearly all time and the energy, uses, in has served on my family's treasure daughter body, eats meal from puting on clothes, cleans the teeth washes the face such conventional service, to plays the role of the old cat, plays the role of Malaysia, plays the role of the turtle the special assignment, all does one person to contract jubilantly. All day cheerfully on busy busy, lets me be glad idly. Has a question to be quite troublesome only, is she is used to the child to be used to really a little odd.

Dotes on, cannot bring the affection

Is just like this morning,fashion kids shoes, she first prepares a big table of sumptuous breakfast, then goes to awaken respectfully little princess, a face roars her to get out of bed brightly. But the daughter before the dining table, seeing had boils the egg, did not appreciate kindness rendered unexpectedly, as soon as the small face turns, shouts must eat the scrambled eggs. Finally, I this lovable maid, likely listened to the charge sound to be ordinary, turned around to crash in the kitchen directly. I am blocking, estimated that also had two eggs to die in battle ahead of time.

However the following matter, actually lets her depressed specially - go to the kindergarten on the road, grandmother asks the daughter: You most like who is the human? - - mother!

The so ice-cold reality, has attacked grandmother seriously without doubt that frail mind. After proficient, she speaks entire item matter to me listens, in the tone full is the envy flavor: Fresh kiss! Kisses the mother, the bone blood relation, breaks bone Lian Zhuojin! How do others hurt do not have usefully!

Grandmother thinks not clearly: How do you manage the child daily, I hurt daily, may this child turn toward you at heart finally?

Certainly turned toward me! What do you usually listen to her, according to her, looks like in her, your she does not decide,cool kids clothes, comes across the matter she also to be able to count on that you do decide? I whisper.

But I do not give up ......

The super big good person = does not have the strength

Did not give up does not say to the child, definitely was not my family grandmother a person's puzzle. In mine work, hears frequently has the guardian to voice so the feeling: As soon as saw child that double shiny black, fills the hope bright and intelligent the big eye, gave people a hard time likely fills the invincible supernatural power general stimulated, how the full brain has thought is to hurry to help him to realize the desire, where also worried about on the consideration should!

Therefore, they are unable to reject child's any request, likes using some small methods to deal with settles, gets by under false pretences. Looks like my family grandmother to be the same, they liked saying that a bit faster put on the shoe, daddy soon arrived the home, or I could not buy this toy to you, the money in your mother there, you will ask mother to want next time, but very few will say happily may not.

In brief, they will only present the environment and the condition do not permit, but firm will not express them not to permit. In front of the child, they forever act the super big good person.

Was only a pity that in the child heart, such big good person is actually the human who lacks the strength. With them in the same place, the child believed that oneself is a formidable side, simultaneously is also must consider that deals with all questions a side. Under this condition, on the surface looked that the child controls all, but in subconscious actually lacks the security, because that kind is limited the security which felt.

The taboo other aspect is a security sense

Many poles aparts the thing is depends on each other mutually. Has not listened not, is unable to confirm that anything is; Never the human who limits, instead does not experience based on the security above true freedom.

Imagines, if a your alone person places oneself in the limitless prairie wilderness, the most intense feeling, probably is not free, but more is panic! (do not apply mechanically forest park with me experience, you knew at heart forest park also has security boundary) only then to wait for your Ge Hao a thatched hut,baby doll, after confirming the fence firmly, only then relieved will sleep not right? The fence is the limit, simultaneously is also the safe safeguard.

Again for instance, when you go to the African Egypt these culture custom to have with us the very greatly different place travels, tour guide's many idle talk you too will not care, but if hears the following these behaviors in the locality is the taboo, cannot ......, you certainly will raise up the ear to listen while to record.

Because only then had determined anything is may not, you can confirm: Oh! So long as I do not make these not to be possible, I handle any other matters certainly am again may.

Therefore, when the parents public proclamation forbids the child not to be possible to play with fire, may not nip the electric wire, may not look like at the same time which daddy drinks equally, was also equal to, in has made the powerful guarantee to the child - - outside these behaviors,(Related ArticlesBaby Boutique Before beginning school, the guardia), you are safe. Therefore, the child may feel relieved that plays boldly besides the fire each kind of thing, nips except the electric wire various types thing, drinks besides the liquor outside all drink.

This is the security sense which the limit brings.

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7 years old, the kindergarten kindergarten class for six and seven year olds, just arrived at Hangzhou a half month. Yang Xiao bold (alias) and all small migratory birds are the same, only then the summer vacation, can Hangzhou and the parents short gathers. But who thought that how long only then comes Hangzhou not, Yang Xiao boldly on, because the serious knife wound, has had more than 8 hour surgeries in the hospital.

Yesterday morning,boys's shoes, Yang Xiao the bold mother and the neighbor had the argument. The neighbor takes up the kitchen knife, the bold body the company chops more than 10 knives in Yang on Xiao. Between adult's dispute, actually takes 7 year-old children to undertake, angry.

The mother is not willing to go see a doctor only wants to wait for the child

In the morning when 10.50 points, Yang Xiaohao delivers the Red Cross Hospital, because loses blood massively, has been in the shock earlier period, doctor the simple treatment wound, advanced on the operating room 0.1 child bodies the child more than 10 knife wounds, we are not cruel enough looked that 0.1 nurses said.

On the surgery outdoor bench, Yang Xiao the bold mother fixes the eyes on the operating room front door, in the mouth mutters: My son will not have the matter, definitely will be all right.

But Yang on Xiao bold mother's body, also covers entirely the bloodstain and the wound. On body's T-shirt has been incarnadine by the bloodstain, the hair is scattered in disorder, the whole face dust, is wearing the slipper. No matter but does doctor, how the husband persuade,baby dolls, she is not willing to leave one step.

You under the wrap, washed first body's on bloodstain 0.1 children awake, looked that you like this will frighten cry. Husband Lao Yang has been urging in side.

In order to protect the child, mother's both hands are also cut and injured. Doctor said that Yang Xiao bold mother's both hands tendon break, also needs the surgery. But she is only willing to accept wrap processing, before had not confirmed that the son is out of the danger, said that anything does not leave the operating room entrance.

The child who cuts and injures is come Hangzhou a half month

We came the Hangzhou more than 4 years, has been friendly with the neighbor. How will have this kind of matter. Lao Yang looks at on the handset child's picture, face doubts.

On the Lao Yang's handset screen, Yang Xiaohao is putting on the winter clothing, treats the lens to smile very much shyly, the fat small cheek is ruddy.

Lao Yang said that he and the wife come Hangzhou hiring out for working from Anhui, he usually is the water mason, the wife hits some odd-job .6 months in the clothing factory on 27th,discount kids shoes, reads the kindergarten in the native place Yang Xiao to come Hangzhou to cross the summer vacation boldly, the wife dismisses the labor to accompany the child especially in the home. Small bold last year has also come,(Related Articles[Dragon Boat Festival]Hainan most famous steamed rice dumpling), he is obedient very much, at home neighbor plays, mother continuously with. Lao Yang said that chops person's neighbor is the Guizhou woman, before from has not contacted.

Does not have the injustice non-enmity, why can she like this? Lao Yang was receives wife's telephone in about 10:30 am, in the telephone the wife cries saying that the son has been chopped, I hurried back, saw the son whole body was a blood. That Guizhou woman also ran. The wife has received the stimulation, as soon as asked that situation then on hysteria, how I didn't know can like this.

One side Lao Yang relates 120, at the same time listened to the neighbors saying that that woman was first and my wife quarrels, then suddenly used the kitchen knife to chop my son. She is sick, how can take the child to vent ......Lao Yang could not be justified, treats son's picture to sob.

Yesterday afternoon 5:00, Yang Xiao the bold surgery was also continuing. We estimated that the child at that time lost blood has 1000 milliliters. Red Cross Hospital Vice-President Jin said that through the surgery, Yang Xiao the bold present life symptom already stabilized, but because the wound is complex, the surgery time will compare is long.

The most serious knife wound in the child forehead, creates the skull bone split, on arm's knife wound also causes many place bone fractures. Vice-President Jin said that the surgery so far, already gave the child to transfuse blood 800 milliliters, unfortunately lucky, child's visceral organ has not been injured, bone fracture and flesh wound primarily.

Vice-President Jin indicated that the hospital already united many administrative offices to carry on the rescue and the safeguard following treatment.

Adult quarrels takes the child to go flat unexpectedly

Yang Jiazu lives in Peng port prosperous community two area 53, regarding morning's matter, why the neighbor doesn't know the cause.

I saw time, two people already quarrelled very much ominous .53rd entrance handset shop boss saying that chops the person the woman to be surnamed Cui, about 35 years old, with boss is the fellow villager. This woman disposition is quite eccentric, does not like with the human speaking, meets also nods.

the 53rd entrance have pulled up the warning line, as soon as looks toward, ground has the obvious bloodstain, Yang the main house gate mouth also has the burned black trace. Some people said that after at that time the mother and child cut and injured, are returned in the room to avoid, that woman ran up to the Yang main house gate mouth to set on fire unexpectedly.

The neighbors said that Aunt Yang Jia the throat is very usually loud, is not excellent very warm-heartedly.

In the morning quarrels suddenly, quarrels very much ominously. Quarrelled a while, Guizhou woman has taken the kitchen knife to flush suddenly, treated the child to chop. Child mother put out a hand to snatch, snatches less than 0.1 sport card shop proprietress to recall at that time, still had a lingering fear.

when 120 rush, Aunt Yang Jia carries the child to come out. The child has fainted probably, on the body is the blood. You said adult to quarrel, ask the child to scatter any gas! The neighbors are very indignant.

Uncle Wang is the prosperous two area 53 landlords. Here that Guizhou woman comes to rent the house also less than two months. Comes time not any feeling, but discovered suddenly recently a little does not suit, sometimes evening sleeps opens the door, puts on very much exposes. Uncle Wang said.

Uncle Wang said that this woman week ago reflected with him, some people steal her money. Couple of days ago also said to me that some people put the poison gas in her room, the mood are quite excited.

Reporter from the police place understanding, after receiving the warning, the police at the matter send the spot several dozens meter far place to discover the committing murder female, and controls very quickly her.

So far, the female only acknowledged that chops the person fact, but says nothing regarding the reason. The female is at the criminal subpoena stage at present, the police is doing to this matter further investigates.

kids shoes The guardian has the necessity to find time to flip the child book bag

Child's book bag is not big, but said that it is a treasure chest or the question storehouse not. Recently, some guardians when talked about the respective godchild said after that helped the child to reorganize the book bag frequently, was advantageous discovers child's some small secrets promptly in the guardian.

Once, I have discovered a 2 Yuan coin in son's book bag. Guardian Zhou Min said that the son attends the elementary school third grade,kids shoes, every day is she sends and picks up, she always does not give the child the spending money. Afterward, the son told her, the money was grandmother gives. Each weekend to grandmother the family, grandmother can give him secretly five dollars, lets him buy the icicle to eat. Zhou Min said that after querying the money the origin, she guides the child to understand correctly the money the essence, lets the child understand how should treat the money, but also how tells the child to spend.

Second day the student guardian paid the swallow saying that before summer vacation, she has discovered a fine music box box in daughter's book bag. The daughter tells her, after terminal examinations, good friend small Switzerland must go to school with the parents to the south, this was small Switzerland gives own gift. Therefore, she led the daughter also to choose a fine gift for small Switzerland. Through this matter,(Related Articles[before mother rests, talks on endlessly] the family to have the pleasant to hear lullaby), how does she teach the child to carry on the simple human communication.

Elementary school first grade's Daewoo's mother said that the son book bag is very always chaotic, the book and the book mix up, when attends class or writes the work, because always looks for the thing lose time. Under teacher's suggestion, she bought several hardly this to clamp, has divided several the book bag,baby boutique, the book, the book and the stationery case had the fixed position, was very big to child's help. Her experience is, if child's book bag is very in disorder, the guardian should better not jump over an ancient sacrificial utensil generation of blister, oneself begin for him to reorganize. But should tell the child: All should be methodical,newborn clothes, the good habits and customs should start from the minor matter bit by bit.

Certainly, for as for does not damage child's self-respect, before reading child's book bag, solicits child's suggestions is also greatly necessary.

Monday, August 23, 2010

kids clothes Prints my baby magic weapon to let the child academic society protect oneself!

This placard in 2010-8-217:21 edits finally by the happy evil spirit bean

Protects oneself is person's instinct, the human in meets the danger the time can the instinct protect itself, but regarding the child, in his eye,(Related Articlesvintage kids clothing jinnian qian 5 ge yue, Vietn), is that simple happy, if the child has not realized the latent danger, the attempt unavoidably will receive the injury from now on, heavy will also breed the catastrophe.
Yesterday listened to child grandmother saying that had to brings in the Guangdong hiring out for working husbands' and wives' family in little girl in the side,kids clothes, because was negligent in teaches, after causing the girl to take by over 60 year-old men the candy tempted indecent, the girl many times when reflected the lower part of the body ache with the guardian, the guardian has not brought to the attention, afterward was a slightly big spot 12 year-old elder sister told this matter the father, finally the father had only then known the daughter received the violation the entirety.
However, is good in three girls is the genitals surface has the attrition, inside obstructs not greatly, but after such matter occurs, thought-provoking.
Therefore, reporter has made an investigation in the kindergarten, discovered that in the class has the overwhelming majority child not to know which own body do have is the privacy spot,kids clothing, i.e., if some people move their body, they regarding this will not make the response, such survey result will make without doubt the person anxiety.
Therefore, I think of my child. Casually asked his, on your body which places can't let the human look?
The child hears me to ask him like this, mischievous has traced own neck with the hand, I have smiled, this neck clothes cannot cover continually, will not have let the human see? I also explained that which places was on your body is must block from, could not reveal casually.
The child has understood my real meaning probably, also smiled has been patting the buttocks with the hand, traces the chest, but also had the lower part of the body.
Ha-ha, how looks like my child not to need mother to worry that already knew oneself protected itself.
This also no wonder, usually he when the outside urgency of urination, must look for nobody's place, the face toward, the buttocks solves to outside, originally the child already had heart of the sense of honor.
However, speaks of this child's self-safekeeping of security, was actually very early I to instill into many consciousness to the child. For instance, in the family which things are cannot bump, which matters are do not take advantage adult not at time does? After the child has known, will not pay attention to him, will not be thinking will attempt.
But some children are curiosity, you jump over the matter which does not let him do, he more is must take advantage you do not pay attention time incites, such child lives is not rare, if is this, would rather the guardian grasps the discretion, lets the child experience one.
May look for some to be similar brings in the safekeeping of security education disc to the child looked that lets the child have in one kind of visual feeling first, forms one preliminary impression, takes the entity thing demonstration like this again when looked to him, he will know the fear. For instance, some children like uncovering thermos bottle's lid, thinks that amusingly, at this time might as well spreads out his microcheiria, places on the bottle mouth to rock, the inside steam child should be able to feel, only then he thought that some scald one's hands, will again not have attempted next time. Like this after our family child is let him experience the boiling water temperature, regardless of henceforth that thermos bottle does have the attire boiling water, he will not go to bump it.
Certainly also some safer method, is family's in thermos bottle, thermos bottle anything places as far as possible the place which the child cannot reach, like this may avoid the child touching at will.
Also has some pill anything to avoid letting the child bring secretly swallows, because some pills are sweet, the child does not take it to work as the medicine, thought must eat. At this time, the guardian wants to do manages well oneself family's medicine kit, lays aside as far as possible in the child does not look, cannot reach place, in order to avoid has the danger.
The family safekeeping of security may avoid generally, because the scope is quite narrow, is also very limited, should note can note, as soon as but the child goes out the room, the one who contacts is the person of all forms, meets is also the every large or small matter, at this time, leaves the child who the parents embrace, if wants to let them continue all is well, grows safely, the guardian must borrow the child a pair of mental perception, in which situations lets the child know is unsafe, which matters can't go to do?
The child somewhat is generally gluttonous, wants to play all the time, this is child's instinct. If takes the candy to tempt the child, the child does not have preparation, will be swindled.
Therefore, safekeeping of security's first is, do not eat stranger's thing, once has eaten stranger's thing, will also be told by opposite party crown your father to coerce your words, in the child innermost feelings will have the dread, will be walking with the stranger.
Then second is,cute girls clothes, do not walk with the stranger. No matter is the understanding did not know that so long as does not have father and mother in the side, certainly cannot walk with him. If is pulled by the stranger is walking, must teach the child academic society to shout saves a life, the prompt seek help, is separated from the dangerous situation as soon as possible.
The third article, cannot let anybody move own body, includes own chest, the buttocks, the lower part of the body. On child body all privacy spot, also cannot expose to the human saw that also cannot let anybody move, must let the child understand since childhood protects own body, particularly girl.
The above these are several which I summarize, hopes the guardian who carries on the self-safekeeping of security consciousness raise to the child not to have some inspirations to these, like this does not waste me to write this attainment.