Saturday, September 4, 2010

discount designer children's clothes Do not raise child's special skill blindly

The modern society, the competition is day by day intense, some parents to cause their child not to lose on the starting line, in the future can Cheng Long become the phoenix, when arranges child's study content is blind frequently with the wind. Dance, piano, drawing, foreign language, calligraphy ......Put in the massive energy and the financial resource, actually does not have to consider child's actual interest and the hobby truly. Even some parents in the child interest, in the hobby choice have the strong merit thoughts of gain, takes a test to some with the child, enters a higher school related, perhaps in feeling lofty, blindly the positive support,discount designer children's clothes, encourages, even is forces the child to study. But likes regarding some children actually not conforming to the parents standard truly, blindly stops, denial.

As the saying goes: The interest is best teacher. The interest may enable child's intelligence to obtain maximum limit, the most lasting display. When the child does oneself are interested the matter, he often can whole-heartedly; On the contrary, if the parents request the child to give up him being interested extremely the matter, handles the matter which some he does not like doing, the child inevitably and the parents have the conflict, has an achievement with difficulty. However, in the life always many parents disregard child's interest and the hobby, eliminates child's interest forcefully, its result definitely will fetter child's development. Perhaps the following this case happen to showed this point.

Young Hua likes the micro-organism since childhood, moreover craves in the research micro-organism's life habit. When junior middle school because of the observation micro-organism made frequently the whole body is the putty. The parents are angry regarding this, think him to ignore a proper occupation, therefore outside does everything possible to prevent him to go to play. The parents hoped that he learns to play the piano, so that in the future will be able to test time will award marks.

The start, he was always taking advantage the parents do not pay attention run up to the matter which secretly in the nearby park makes itself to like. Once, after he brings back to a black's spider the family, the parents fly into a rage, reprove he not should the such dirty thing to bring back the family. A daddy also foot stepped on dies the spider, mother has fallen rotten him to accumulate several years unexpectedly to install each kind of specimen treasure chest. That moment, young Hua has been shocked, returned to own room to sit silently silently for one afternoon.

From then on, his academic record suffers a disastrous decline, becomes uncommunicative, the parents worry for this reason, even suspected that he is the intelligence has the question.

But young Mr./Mrs. Hua biological said: Young Hua this child is specially intelligent, if raises well, can in the future certainly be a very splendid biologist.

Young Mr./Mrs. Hua the biological words should cause parents' thinking deeply.

However, in the real life, has many parents to be able to make likely young Hua parents such mistake. The young Hua parents interfere child's interest like this likely, will bring certain harm to the child.

First, the parents can cause the child to the child interest's excessive interference to have the one-sided understanding to their hobby, thought that oneself does not have the judgment, does not have the original story, thus denies itself to the thing judgment ability, becomes not self-confident.

Second, the parents neglect child's interest hobby, does not listen to child's explanation, does not embark from the child hobby understood that the child likes and is interested truly, does this already cannot meet child's needs, will also cause the child to think that the parents cannot understand,Baby Boy Clothes, will respect him, but will have the rebellious attitude. This to child's growth is very disadvantageous.

We said: The interest is best teacher, will have the interest child to study,(Related Articles(appointment spring) 20 years gathers in Mt. Emei), is with ease more joyful. They are also willing to go to the matter which makes itself to like, moreover is not aware of fatigue. If does not consider child's hobby interest, but imposes for the child the parents thought should study the thing, will cause the child will lose displays himself to be able the opportunity, easy to cause the child to produce is sick of the psychology.

Third, if the parents neglect child's interest, imposes for them some study duty, will cause them to have the resistance psychology. Some children are not interested originally to music, is forced by the guardian to practice the qin every day, finally the qin technique has not always enhanced, therefore expects too much the guardian starts to reprimand even beats and scolds the child, is how such stupid with you and so on words and expressions to scold the stimulation child, gradually, the child starts to have the rebellious attitude, some become feels inferior and has the self-closing tendency.

The parents want to know regarding this point are clear. It is a pity, some parents still could not realize this point. They many are not willing to acknowledge that child their child have the unique interest and the hobby particularly. Had had such a matter: Has the child who parents force not to be able to sit still to play a stringed musical instrument, so that the child have to breaks by smashing with stone own finger to show to revolt. Does not give a thought to child's protest like this, the parents urgently presses likely was urging equally the child studies the thing which do not like studying, is the parents does not respect the child the interest and the hobby performance, its consequence it can be imagined.

Actually, some parents also want to respect the child the interest and the hobby, actually often did not know how should do, that takes the parents, may refer to the following several kinds to make the law:

Is good at discovering that creates the condition for the child

The parents want to be good at discovering that child's interest hobby, and tries to guide the child to work hard much in the interest aspect, creates the opportunity as far as possible for the child, creates the condition, lets the child freely have a good swim in own affection world. This will stimulate child's biggest potential, will thus achieve the prominent achievement in some domain.

Then, how do the parents discover child's interest? This first needs the parents to foster carefully observes child's custom,sweet beginnings flower girl dresses, the matter which the child does repeatedly often is they are interested; Next, the parents should stand in an equal standpoint communicate with the child, listens to child's idea, asks that the child likes making anything, perhaps the parents from the child naive reply may discover that child's interest is.

Actually, the parents should discover since childhood that encourages and trains the child to have one kind or several kind of hobbies. This will cause child's life will become richly colorful, the feature fun and the anticipation, have the positive role to person's life. When the child chooses the interest hobby, no doubt needs parents' guidance, but may not replace the child.

Respects the child the affection and the interest

In the today multicolored life, human's individuality and the interest obtain the full development. Therefore the parents want to respect the child the hobby interest. Even if child's this kind of interest hobby is possible and parents' expectation has the disparity, so long as but is the right hobby, should respect the child. Because child, in handles the matter which one like, his creativity and the potential only then have the possibility to obtain the full display, his dedicated, earnest, perseveres the custom and the will quality may also obtain the exercise, is advantageous in child's growth.

Raises the child interest, is sure to remember may not blindly with the wind

The modern parents hoped that their child can master many kinds of skills, can have a happy future. But time are many parents have not considered child's interest hobby, but arranges for the child all. Sometimes even with the wind, saw the present is popular anything to let the child study anything.

The child like this time and time again passively accepts under parents' arrangement, child's interest hobby cannot obtain satisfies, child's special skill cannot obtain the display, causes the child to tire of study and gives vent this mood other disciplines, this to child's growth is very harmful.

Certainly, the parents cannot let matters drift to child's interest hobby, must render the suitable guidance and the assistance. If child, because immerses in some interest hobby, affected the normal study, the life, the parents should give certain intervention, taught the child to treat between both's relations correctly, possible arrangement time, but must use the child acceptable way, cut cannot stop simply.

The interest is the child knowledge acquisition biggest power, the parents does not respect the child the interest, but chooses blindly for the child the interest class, had the possibility to strangle child's true interest very much. Therefore, is the parents to respect each child individual interest. It is noteworthy that once the parents discovered that the child's seedling of interest emerges as the times require, certainly must protect carefully, do not let its reason weed submergence wither, do not destroy at will.

The modern society is a advocation individuality time, receives in some domain's people with professional skills favors, maximum limit displays child's interest hobby to be advantageous to trains the child well.

Most importantly, child's interest hobby often has the relations with his special capability, he biggest potential often manifests in them compares is interested the aspect. Will guide child's interest hobby to cause the child correctly to study joyfully, also has the possibility to have an achievement in the future in some domain.

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