Wednesday, August 4, 2010

kids shoes The non commercial factor aids combust the Central Europe shoes war

    The local time on December 22, European Union decided that continues to the Chinese leather shoes drafts 15 month counter-dumping tax. European Union has begun levying taxes this counter-dumping tax since 2006, China exports a European Union leather shoes quantity group from 2006 190,000,000 pairs, falls to 2007 181,000,000 pairs, after 2008 156,kids shoes,000,000 pair of .22 date resolution releasing, the Chinese merchant's heart has surged more haze.

    Had no way to judge, this case already surpassed normal legal proceeding and the technical category .17 dates and on 22nd newspaper reporter two times sends a telegram to Central Europe leather shoes document Chinese side agent Attorney Pu Lingchen, asked him on 22nd conference's result to make successively on European Union sentences in advance and appraises. The result he always intensely questioned that the European Union counter-dumping decision receives the excessively many non-commercial factors the influence.

    The Central Europe shoes fought are at first Spain are burnt by 2004 the shoes event to light. The same year September, in Spanish small town Egypt Qieer, more than 400 demonstrators burnt down the Chinese merchant 16 cabinets, valued at 1,000,000 euros shoes. The shoemaking is one of Egyptian Qieer traditional industries, the Central Europe shoes fight are mixing with the nationalism mood which from the very beginning induces by the unemployment rate and so on many non-commercial factors.

    Austria Kang exported European Union's leather shoes average unit price already to surpass 20 US dollars now, this price exported Brazil to be also higher than, therefore simply did not have counter-dumping. In October, Austria Kang group Chairman Wang Zhentao did to the media this has indicated .2007 year in July, took the Chinese biggest privately operated shoemaking enterprise, the Austria Kang group takes the lead to the European Union First trial Court to mention contradicts.

    The non-commercial factor affects European Union to decide

    Whether European Union in does lengthen in view in the Chinese leather shoes' counter-dumping tax does not have the relapse by no means.

    In October last time contradicts when this decision, the European Union internal opinion is inconsistent. Actually from 2006, Sweden and Denmark is discontented with the counter-dumping tax expression, thought that taxation the economic burden which creates to European Union is bigger. This phenomenon caused Pu Lingchen then to believe that the Chinese side had the possibility which won.

    Pu Lingchen when accepted the newspaper interviewed then the introduction saying that on November 19,(Related Articlesunique personalized baby gifts Chengdu women's shoes transnational online retail sales smart oversea), on the European Commission counter-dumping Inquiry board, European Union most member nation's representatives approved stopped the counter-dumping tax, this result looked like is advantageous to China.

    But, the situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn afterward.

    The European media at the end of November to the beginning of December time, exaggerates the Chinese shoe industry wantonly to the European Union related industry threat. Germany, Austrian and the Malta three original statement approvals abolish the counter-dumping tax the country, changed own standpoint successively, indicated that must cast the abstaining. But in contradicts in European Union's counter-dumping, each ticket is very precious .2006 year counter-dumping bill is passes by 13 tickets to 12 ticket slight advantages.

    Pu Lingchen said indignantly from this: Why will have this kind of situation? This and the law has the direct relation? This and we talk about the technical question has the direct relation? Perhaps is not that simple.

    Because the European Union interior majority countries their shoe manufacture industry already decline, therefore the low-price quality merchandise Chinese shoes product is not only advantageous to these national consumer,kids shoes, is also advantageous to these national seller. But speaking of Spain, Italian these has the shoe manufacture industry the EU country as before, will have the competitive power Chinese product not to conform to the market economy rule industry to its home to have certain impact without doubt.

    From this, looks like in Pu Lingchen, between the European Union internal country the economic development has doped in some non-legal and the technical stratification plane factor not balanced for European Union's judgment, but benefit between the national balanced is not the European Union benefit provision content which the European Union counter-dumping laws and regulations 21st provision involves.

    Shanghai Academy of social science World economics Research institute Manager Zhang Youwen further pointed out that China is a manufacture great nation, we need fair, the free international market, such international market to other countries is also advantageous, but regarding certain needs to adjust the industrial structure the special interest group possibly is disadvantageous.

    China's counter-attack

    The Central Europe recently trade friction and not only limited the shoes fights 0.1 weeks ago, the European Commission decided that sent rebellion dumping before our country filament glass fiber to investigate 0.3th, in European Union, the US, Mexico insisted on under the request, the World Trade Organization set up the expert group, investigated it to the Chinese raw material export restriction indictment.

    But on 22nd European Union decided that continues after the Chinese leather shoes drafts 15 month counter-dumping tax, the Chinese Department of commercial affairs immediately expresses will appeal to the World Trade Organization dispute settlement mechanism.

    China's response also not only is the passive appeal .23 date mornings, the Chinese Department of commercial affairs is the decision takes the temporary anti-dumping measures to the European Union carbon steel fastener, requests China to import the operator to provide the corresponding earnest money based on the dumping profit margin to the Chinese Customs.

    China International Issues Research Center European Union Research department Director Xing Hua pointed out to newspaper reporter that we are not want to launch the trade war with European Union, but we must let European Union know, their trade protectionism measure does not favor their benefit. European Union the trade protective measures which adopts to our country are unfair,kids shoes, is not objective, regarding this we must certainly take the corresponding countermeasure. Besides expresses the opposition, the department of commercial affairs will also adopt in the trade the corresponding measure.

    Actually, European Union recently in trade friction aggressive posture, to a great extent must attribute to the worn out economic situation.

    The European Commission issued recently the report pointed out that this year European Union and Eurozone GDP will present 4.1% and 4.0% negative growths separately. Because suffers the economic crisis to attack, European Union already reduced more than 400 ten thousand operating posts. It is estimated that this year and next year European Union will increase more than 700 ten thousand unemployed, the unemployment rate climbs a group to 10.5%.

    Xing Hua indicated that the European Union economy's prospect is not very bright. In the economical disadvantage factor grows in the situation, European Union worried very much for own economical future that its trade protectionism posture can have the further promotion naturally.

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