Tuesday, August 10, 2010

koala baby boutique clothing [announcement]Holds the disciple -the Dota World- does not delete in th

,koala baby boutique clothing

Dear each "the DotA World" plays the family:

Thanks everybody to "the DotA World" the support and the deep affection, we deeply for everybody's enthusiasm and the support move, the development personnel day and night consummate the game content intensely, the operation personnel busy provide the guest to take the service,baby doll, in each position plays under family's support, we completed in this time to measure smoothly, has obtained the important engineering data and the relevance feedback, certainly also reflected game's some flaws and the insufficiency, to enable everybody to have the better game experience, our server will stop period of time temporarily the opening, after and so on all optimizations and the consummation completed, officially opens male measured,girls clothes, anticipated everybody at the appointed timeOnce more presence!

This test's data will retain completely, regarding already imitated the value to play the family, in male measured the time official meeting free provides once more with in measured the sufficient value amount same spot ticket and this test omit big gift parcel! In all participation measures plays the family also to be possible to obtain including the gold coin gem and numerous game stage prop's in measured that rewards the package!

Thanks each position to play family's support once more! Wishes each position to play the family Happy New Year! We male measure!
(opens clothing date please to pay attention official announcement specifically)

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